My Year in Review: 2020

This video definitely took longer than I wanted….chalk it up to mostly procrastination, lack of motivation, lack of creativity, perfectionism/overthinking, etc etc. I’ve done year-in-review posts and videos (loosely) in the past, as it’s always been a nice way to reflect back on a year to wind down and “close out” a year. Or, as they say in the finance biz, “close out the books.” But anyhow with this year for sure not an ordinary year, on first thought it might seem weird to choose to do a recap this year as you’d think with everything happening (and so many plans affected) that there wouldn’t be enough to fill the content. But turns out, it was actually hard picking what to include (also me regretting not taking enough landscape video footages) and the video ended up being a good 10-minutes. 

Looking back though, honestly pretty proud of this video. It’s been awhile since I’ve put together something like this, and actually trying to make something somewhat cinematic 😂 Enjoy the video! If you do watch it, appreciate a like and/or a comment / message letting me know. It’d go a long way xD

I’ve struggled a bit this year with feeling confident about my blog and videos, and the overall identity of them. But as echoed in the video, I do not regret any of it. There are so many people that I am grateful of, who have really helped smooth out all that has happened this year. I’m really glad I got to get this video done and published by this year. While I will continue to live these last 24 hours of 2020 as best as I can, I bring to 2021 an enhanced version of myself with the aim of doing better and being better each and everyday to the best of my abilities……#dobetter 😎

Happy New Year!


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