It takes 2 to Tango…

Probably one of the first things people would think of regarding ballroom dancing…and often not in the most positive of connotations. But this common idiom does make its point of the mutual, cooperative nature of achieving certain tasks, such as dancing the tango. Wikipedia states that “the tango is a dance which requires two partners moving in relation to each other, sometimes in tandem, sometimes in opposition.” Yes, tango (and ballroom dancing) involves the coordination of both cooperation and opposition. Where on partner sends a signal toward (or against), the other partner responds with a signal in relation to that signal. A conversation between two or more people (yes, more than two people can ballroom dance at the same time) solely based on sensory and physical touch. And it can be frustratingly slow at first yet deeply rewarding process to discover such connections.

So try it next time, whether taking a dance lesson at your nearby dance studio, or even off the dance floor at your local community place, be it a library, park, coffee shop, on the street, etc., to find a way and connect with someone else on a deeper level. I promise you, you won’t regret it…or maybe not, but you never know if you didn’t try.


dance isn’t therapy, but it can be pretty damn close…


On becoming a ballroom dancer….part 2